With longer hours of daylight, abundant snow, and the most cloud-free days of the year, many Alaskans will argue that March is the best month here. Coming quickly on the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency’s historic decision to protect Bristol Bay, this spring has brought with it a greater sense of agency and expanding opportunity in our work.
"Thank you EPA" projected on the Washington, D.C. EPA building January 31, 2023. |
Below, we share a story of how one next-gen leader is using renewable energy to secure the future of her Tribe. We also highlight the growing momentum we are seeing around decarbonization, as well as the amazing work being done by our partners and grantees in Southeast Alaska to advance a future based on Indigenous values and local solutions.
To learn more about any of the initiatives mentioned here or our other ventures, please drop us a line. We would love to hear from you.
The Alaska Venture Fund Team |
Alaska Venture Fund - News & Views
Project updates, stories and perspectives that inspire our work. |
| Alaskans Driving Change: Deilah Johnson
Deilah Johnson is a fierce advocate for the Village of Solomon, a displaced tribe from the Seward Peninsula. Leveraging her renewable energy expertise, Deilah is helping her Tribe assert its sovereignty and build the infrastructure necessary for the community to thrive. “Although we’re displaced,” Johnson said, “it doesn’t make us quiet. It doesn’t make us irrelevant.” The Village of Solomon is an AVF grantee through our Arctic Marine Emerging Opportunities Fund. Read more about Deilah and the Village of Solomon here.
| In The News: Alaska Native Birthworkers Community |
| AlexAnna Salmon Honored for Trailblazing Leadership |
Congratulations to Igiugig Tribal Village Council President and AVF Partner, AlexAnna Salmon on being named one of Alaska's Top Forty Under 40! AlexAnna has spent most of her life advocating for her home in Bristol Bay. We’re thrilled to see AlexAnna’s leadership, vision and energy recognized in this way. |
From Across Alaska
News, articles, events, videos and more. |
The Tongass - A way forward for the forest [Podcast]: If you listen to one podcast this week, make it the latest episode of A Matter of Degrees, featuring several of our partners from Southeast discussing the Tongass. Focused on regenerative and community-led development, it captures the transformation taking place in the region: “The story of the Tongass is very much still being written, but you can feel something so powerful taking root in Southeast Alaska.”
Clean energy momentum: Following the federal Inflation Reduction Act’s tax incentives for underground carbon injection, Governor Dunleavy has proposed two carbon management bills aimed at capitalizing on ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. An exciting new development in the Aleutian Islands aims to harness the geothermal energy of an active volcano and power the small community of Unalaska. Alaska has the potential to serve as a model for other places as we build new, localized and self-sustaining energy economies. Policies that decrease the cost of initial geothermal exploration will increase our new energy options.
Where have all the fish gone? “The reasons for the crash of the halibut, crab and salmon populations — a collective disaster that has sucked hundreds of millions of dollars from the Alaskan economy — have been hotly debated for years.” In this thoughtful and compelling piece, Politico delves into the complicated and often-times fraught issue of how fisheries management could be impacting our fish stocks.
In case you missed it:
The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently highlighted Alaska Venture Fund and our intersectional approach to our work. [The Chronicle of Philanthropy] -
Heat Pumps Sell Like Hotcakes on America’s Oil-Rich Frontier - Despite our extreme temperatures, heat pumps are becoming a practical, cost-effective, and oftentimes carbon-reducing alternative for heating Alaskan homes. [Wired]
AVF partner and grantee, the Sustainable Southeast Partnership, recently shared about efforts to bring next-generation voices into federal subsistence hunting and fishing management. Access to traditional food resources is essential to maintaining Indigenous Alaska cultures. [SSP] -
‘If you win the popular imagination, you change the game’: why we need new stories on climate - Stories are powerful and fundamental to our work realizing a new climate and energy future in Alaska and beyond. [The Guardian]
Alaskan geographer and Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission, Mike Sfraga was nominated as U.S. Arctic Ambassador, reaffirming Alaska-grown expertise and perspectives in the Arctic. [The White House]
“Subsistence is our way of life. In our region, 70% of households harvest game and 98% harvest fish. Salmon is the main fish our families rely on to feed us.” OPINION: Empty freezers on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. [Anchorage Daily News] -
The Yakutat Surf Club is bringing surfing, connection and joy to local youth. This wonderful video from Patagonia will convince you it’s worth jumping into the chilly surf. [Patagonia]
Building a more sustainable future for Alaska and beyond. |
Alaska Venture Fund is a project of the New Venture Fund. New Venture Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. |
Alaska Venture Fund 721 Depot Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 |
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