Archive for the Category ‘Viewpoint’

Sig Tapqaq: Our Relationship to the Land is Vital to Who We Are

Two Tribes in Meghan Siġvanna Tapqaq (Sig)'s region, Savoonga and Gambell, hope to create Indigenous stewardship...

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Igiugig’s Clean Energy Journey: Driven by Community Values

Igiugig Village Council President AlexAnna Salmon says her community – which is at the forefront...

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Nature-Based Climate Solutions on Alaska’s Public Lands

Alaska abounds with natural solutions to climate change. These solutions are the forests, wetlands, tundra,...

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The Next Seven Years

AVF staff Nalikutaar, Jacqueline Cleveland and Stephanie Quinn-Davidson reflect on the significance of increasing...

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Centering Indigenous Communities in Climate Change Funding

By Nikoosh Carlo and Hazel Shapiro

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Reimagining the Values of Natural Capital in a “Resource State”

By Erin Harrington, AVF Partner and Chief Strategy Officer

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OPINION: Governor’s focus on a transition economy is good for Alaska

By Erin Dovichin, Erin Harrington and Shaina Kilcoyne

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Image of Penny Gage on a couch holding her child, Loretta, in a beautiful sunlit living room, with Lena sitting on another couch adjacent to the pair looking gently at the baby.
The Power of Culturally Matched Care – A Mother’s Perspective

Alaska Native Birthworkers supported Penny Gage throughout her pregnancy. She shares her experience and insight on why...

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Dancer and child - Igiugig
Bezos Earth Fund Makes Transformative Climate Justice Investment

AVF Partners AlexAnna Salmon and Jonella Larson White reflect on a new commitment from the Bezos Earth Fund and the...

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Stories That Lead Us Home

Neets'aii Gwich'in writer and filmmaker Princess Daazhraii Johnson speaks to the transformative power of Alaska Native...

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