Our Team

Rebecca Braun

Team Member
Senior Writer and Policy Advisor

Rebecca brings a background in policy and writing and a passion for Alaska’s people and lands to her role at AVF. Rebecca has served as a consultant at McKinley Research Group and as policy director in the Alaska Office of the Governor. She spent many years in journalism, primarily as publisher-editor of the Alaska Budget Report, a nonpartisan publication that covered state government in depth. Prior to these roles, Rebecca taught math and science in Alaska schools and did fieldwork on the Tongass National Forest for the U.S. Forest Service research branch. Each of these experiences and the people she has met have contributed to her always-evolving conception of Alaska. 

Rebecca earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Harvard University and a masters in teaching from University of Alaska Southeast. She is grateful to live and raise her children on Lingít Aaní (Juneau), where she serves on Yadaa.at Kalé (Juneau Douglas High School) site council and the board of Congregation Sukkat Shalom. She is also a longtime volunteer and host parent for AFS International Exchange Programs.

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